For any project, choosing the right cast and crew is important as it will impact the environment while filming. However, one also must select people who will be available with your proposed filming schedule, even if it is slightly broad. With so many factors involved, getting interviewees, a crew, and a schedule together that merges together just right can be quite difficult.

While doing a documentary allows a bit more flexibility to an extent there are still factors that have to be taken into account, particularly your interviewees’ schedule. Given that the majority of my interviewees are in different timezones and they work at various times due to their jobs I had to create my schedule to be flexible. To do this I broke my schedule down into weeks rather than days. Doing the schedule this way I am able to better accommodate my interviewees. By having a fairly open schedule, I am able to let them choose their interview time and then I work around it. However, if they decide to give me a specific block of time, then I can choose a time that best works for me.

Now with my crew, this has been difficult since I know I will be traveling for a portion of it. I am considering getting some of my peers to help with the online interviews and help me get the cameras set up to capture my interviewees. When it comes to my in-person interviews I will probably have my dad travel with me to assist in filming. My dad has assisted with previous media projects with me and we work together in our church’s media department hence why I feel comfortable with him traveling with me and helping get footage.

With all of this pre-production planning, I realize that it is important to be flexible and comfortable with who you are working. By being comfortable with the people you are working with you ultimately become more comfortable with the situation that you are in and can more effectively work. When time is of the essence, like with filming, then being flexible and comfortable should be a priority.

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Stephanie Leas is a media enthusiast who is passionate about making a difference in everything that she does. She is an avid music listener who loves Taylor Swift, going to concerts, and learning about media law.


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