Category: Project Journal

  • Week Quatorze

    Week Quatorze

    I know I’m late but here’s why… I’m a procrastinator, it’s the only way I can function, and it works brilliantly for me. The planning of a week crammed into a day of post-production work. This week I was thinking about the trailer, what scenes to add, how to make it make sense, and fit […]

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  • Week Quinze

    Week Quinze

    Home Stretch Sooooooo I finished the trailer and shockingly but not shockingly (because I’m a literal mastermind) it came out great. To me at least and everyone who has seen it (like 5-6) people 🙂

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  • Week Treize

    Week Treize

    This week we (Flora & I) have been editing.

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  • Week Douze

    A bit of a tease This is week we are focusing on the shots that work and those that don’t work. As said last week, some shots are out of focus and others take too long to get into focus but there is nothing a reshoot can’t fix. Last week we finished shooting on time […]

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  • Week Onze

    Back from spring break, Monday was the first day of spring & the first day of Aries season, anyways… On the 20th of March we (Flora, Kelcy, Tatiana, and myself) met up @ Odum and shot a connecting scene that ties in the second and third acts of the episode. The scene was a success […]

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  • Week Huit

    This week we worked on on the first confessional scene. Tatiana showed up 40 minute late due to her own sluggishness. Through Flora’s visionary & writing, we completed a full confessional & are now onto working on a scene. Like an actual scene. While we had Tatiana face to face, we worked on a schedule […]

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  • Week Cinq

    Week Cinq

    Overall Pre-Production Our focus has been on the overall arc of the story. Is it a learning curve in there? Is it humorous? Or is it all over the place? I like to think of it as something like a reflection. A reflection on the cool, on the professors, on the students, and on the […]

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  • Week Trois

    Week Trois

    The mood of this project. Subtle comedy is what we are going for, along with the element of chaos. It’s a lot of the chaotic nature of the fire drill episode of The Office. The camera movements (the zoom-in/close-ups and jump cuts), and the jumping around of conversation. The basis of the project is to […]

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  • Week Deux

    Week Deux

    This week has been about the script and schedule. The script of this project is seen more as a guide like stage directions and prompts for the actors. Because this project hits so close to home, it can be pulled off with little effort. Although those working on the project all being seniors, we all […]

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  • Week Un

    Week Un

    Research Production (Pre to Post) Reflection

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