Week Cinq

Overall Pre-Production

Our focus has been on the overall arc of the story. Is it a learning curve in there? Is it humorous? Or is it all over the place?

I like to think of it as something like a reflection. A reflection on the cool, on the professors, on the students, and on the concept of college in itself.

Many equate going to college, studying in a concentrtion makes you an expert. At last more knowledgable than the “average joe” or someone who hasn’t studied in a specialized field.

The fact is that anyone can do really most things in mass media without a degree and sure coming from a generation that literally grew up with the evalution of technology and social media helps but it can be really simple.

Like with television it’s all about the timing and audience. If you don’t like a show because of its un-harmful/un-offensive jokes and context then it’s most likely not for you. We (creators) typically time when certain audiences/demographics watch certain shows that they would like to get ratings.

In conclusion timing is important as is comedic timing. It helps to land the joke and can become a signature to your audience.

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