I feel like this documentary is important because its message connects all of us together as humans. People have now started to disregard morals and principles that they once cherished, so this documentary traces back to why those morals were established in the first place.

I wanted to be a part of this documentary because Black Male Voices are so important in a relationship space. So much is expected from men but we never get to share how we feel.

I wanted to be in this film because I don’t see a lot of representation of Black Non-Binary love. I wanted to share insight in the ways in which I’ve grown as a person and partner. Being in this film has allowed me to really dive deep into what love means to me and has shown me ways that I can show up more for myself and my partner Dom.

I wanted to express a different perspective of black love that nobody ever thinks about.

“Lot of people idolized & portray this false perception of love, happiness & just life in general. Being able to be a part of this was important because it’s Raw, it’s Real not much in this world is & I pray someone is able to take away from what I had to say ”

I wanted to be a part of this amazing documentary because representation matters in the Black Community. As a Black Therapist, I value relationships, but most important Black Love because of our history of being demonized, enslaved, and constantly being berated. It is time for healing and change to occur in our community in order for Black Love to thrive.

The reason I wanted to be a part of this documentary was to give the opportunity to educate the generations behind me on how to recognize love for themselves as well as others.

I wanted to be apart because I was asked if i wanted to participate and share my thoughts and I thought it would be interesting

Hey y’all, my name is Jacob. I am a junior Music Education major from Brunswick Georgia. I offered my time for the documentary because I wanted to help spread my message on why I believe black love is important.