Project Pitches – Week 4
This week I began planning the shooting schedule and who all will be interviewed. I also started putting together the pitch deck and video that would be shown to the class. I began reaching out to potential people that could be interviewed for the video. Luckily, each person that I contacted responded in a very timely manner and agreed to be a part of the video. Next was figuring out where each interview should be held, when each interview should be held, and the equipment we would need in order to make sure I took the best shots of each interview.
The most difficult part was trying to figure out what would be the best location for each interview. I then found a room inside of one of the dormitory halls that was perfect for conducting interviews. The room was closed off and was very dark when the lights were turned off. This would make it perfect to be able to manipulate the lighting in the interview as much as possible. The room was also very small and did not have any excess background noise within the room.
I decided to incorporate mini skits to further engage the audience in the video essays. This means that I would have to scout more locations for where these skits should be filmed and what should happen in each skit. I’m not sure if I would be able to have the exact details of each skit before the due date of the pitch video and deck so I will include as much information about the skit and how it would relate to the overall plot line as clearly as possible.
This is where I then decided to change the overall topic from social media to something a bit broader, cellphone addiction. I then applied all of the concepts that I was going to apply to the topic of social media to the topic of cellphone addiction.

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