From Brain to Paper – Week 3
This week we focused more on getting our ideas out on paper. I wrote an outline of the different sub points that could be made within the video and how to weave the narrative storyline in. I came up with the idea of having the narrative be different skits of relatable moments that we as a generation went through while adapting to the world of social media.
When talking to Professor Mulligan he presented a very good point: what exactly is the thesis of the film? I came across the issue of time and how much time I would have to go out and shoot all of the narrative scenes as well as create a logical script. With the pitch of our projects being due in a couple of weeks, I need to have the script written and finalized before then.
I realized that instead of having a script that is word to word what I would say in the video, it would be easier to have a video outline highlighting each of the points that would be made in the video. This would make it easier to add any details that I may have missed before and any production details that should be addressed. I started writing the overall outline of the video essay. Since creating this outline, I realized how easier it was to explain my vision for the project. This is imperative for the pitch deck and video so that the audience understands what the project is and how it would be executed

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