Shot-list and Storyboard

Our Shot-list!

This is the download to our shot-list.

The shot list was used as a reference on set, but as like the storyboard, not all the shots match up perfectly with the film. This is mainly because we felt that there were better shots in the moment, or the original planned shot was not as effective as originally planned.

It is still a cool look back onto the process that we used to make this film.

A example of what part of the storyboard looks like.

The Storyboards!

This is the result of us working our best to make some storyboards to reference for the shoots. We did not shoot them with the actors, nor did we shoot them at the exact locations where they would be. The main purpose of these where to describe the shot and show the general look and feel for the scene and shot we wanted.

If you have already seen the film, you can tell some of the shots were changed. This was mainly due for in the moment situations where we felt there was a better alternative shot or the original planned one did not work as effectively as planned.

These are still fun to look back to, and cool to have a sneak peak behind the process that we had to make this film.