Category: Uncategorized

  • Post 5: Overall Pre-production Reflection

    Overall, the planning and pre-production phase for this project went well. There were some moments with scheduling that were somewhat chaotic, as the original proposed schedule ended up needing to be altered due to some unforeseen complications. The rest of the pre-production process went smoothly as it just consisted of doing as much research as […]

  • Post 4: Planning Process Reflection

    Location scouting and planning for travel was a long process that had been ongoing since the film was conceptualized. I knew that I wanted to capture as much of the variety and diversity of Georgia’s natural resources as possible, and after a lot of research and careful consideration, I decided that the best way to […]

  • Post 3: Previsualization Reflection

    For this documentary project, I decided to try to create an experience akin to a mix between an educational nature walk and a meditation session. In terms of imagery, I wanted to go for a lot of the ‘classic’ nature documentary style shots of gorgeous landscapes and up close footage of interesting plants/animals/other subjects of […]

  • Post 2: Planning Process Reflection

    The planning phase for a film project would usually involve having a script and breaking it down for shooting. Because of the nature of this project, it was impossible to script events to happen on camera. This factored heavily into the scheduling for the shoot days – because of the amount of coverage needed, there […]

  • Post 1: Research & Reflection

    So why do I believe that I’m qualified to make this documentary? I believe that anybody with a passion for nature or the environment is qualified to talk about it, marvel at its beauty, and discuss the issues surrounding it. We all share the Earth and its resources, and I believe that everyone’s voice has […]