
After 4 weeks of planning, I have finally decided my shooting plans for the upcoming weeks. I have had the plans and ideas for a while but now it is officially written out. Taylor Macera’s life right now is very busy while she is in season, but we have been working through it. I have had to break the shoot up with interviews, b roll, and audio stuff. I needed to research great location shots and have narrowed it down to a few things.

I know that the idea for b roll will be me following Taylor with a camera. I want to follow her so i can capture real authentic moments of her life. This is important to set the tone for the shoot. I want i to be possible to show the world that despite her health issues, she is still the same person. She is just like the girl next door. She goes to cross fit, church, class, and softball practice. This is really a full load. A full load that I want to shoot about.

As for softball practice, this is a big one. This is really the highlight of her story. This is the world that played the most impact on her life when she was going through her sickness. Being apart of the blazer community since 5 years old, she has had the support from them since her diagnosis. I am overall excited to start shooting this next week for this documentary is finally underway.


During the feedback I received I was able to understand that a good place to shoot one interview is the studio. I think this is more convenient and able to shoot perfect shot. Professor Mulligan and I watched youtube videos to see examples of the lighting I want to accomplish. This is very important because I want all eyes on the interviewee. We did talk about if I was in the shot, how would it be perceived. He made it clear, if I need to be in the shot, do it. But if theres no reason not to, don’t. He wanted me to come up with a reason on why me being in the shot is important. I couldn’t figure out why being in the shot was necessary. He helped me come up with the fact, I won’t be in the shot.


This week I am very appreciative of doing these journals. I have been able to notice the progress, I have made. I realized that it is so important to start shooting now than later. Punctuality for this film is critical. This isn’t something that I can just push off. I am so happy to understand that I can shoot and start editing film. I have an interview set up for next week on Monday. This will be able to give me a chance to edit Taylors interview and set up Morgan Hill’s interview. I know that a documentary doesn’t need a storyboard, but I do need to start showing a layout of how I am going to shoot. I think what will make this video worth while is the interactive piece. An example is when Taylor says something about playing softball at a young age, I will send a clip of her playing softball. This will give the audience a intimate feeling that they were there. I am excited for this week of shoot. This is very important week so the wheels can hit the pavement.

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