Beginning Stages of a Documentary

Week One

Establishing Order


Domain Research : After exploring my options I was thinking what is the best way to reach my audience. I have a love for true story films. I have always wanted to create my own, because of the details and interviewing I can gather. Knowing what real life people go through inspires me. That is why I chose to do a documentary. I made sure to research what a documentary is and what are the best ways to highlight a person.

Audience Research: After deciding on my film, I realized my goal was for the story to touch a wide age group and differrent people. I would have to say the age group is from 13 – 40 years old. This documentary is based on an athlete, so it will catch the eyes of other athletes and coaches.

Creative Research: Although my documatray is on the lighter side. One example I took information on a proper ran documentary was a, “NBC Dateline” episode. I also used, “Athlete A”, as an example because it highlighted people and their stories. ” The TInder Swindler”, was also something I looked to. All these examples made me see how to touch my audience and interview people in a correct manner.

Technical Research: I was able to see how I wanted light on my subject. I want the documentary to be dark but the light on the subject so the focus is on her and other interviewees.


Progress Update:

Taylor Macera all smiles despite health concerns.
Taylor Macera graduating to be a Dr.

Project Management: I have reached out to Taylor about doing an interview and sharing her story. She has enduring many health issues and would help motivate and inform people that life is what you make it. Her family, friends, and teamamtes have agreed to do an interview on sharing their expiernce with her as well.


After sharing my ideas with my peers and professor, I was made aware I still have things to think about. Shot location is one. Although I want to do a documentary, I still have to have shots outside of the studio. I also had to gather childhood videos and pictures that Taylor was able to give me. My professor told me to make sure I shoot my own content of her and not rely striclty on her home films. So during this I was able to go out look at places and shoot some of her in a rough shoot to see how I want this to be shown.


During the first week I was able to gain a better understanding on how to shoot this. I found out how to make sure the audience is informed on my subject and how to make my subject comfortable. I want to be able to share her story in the best way I cam so gathering as much infromation as possible is critcal. Having clear audio and shots is my only concern because both are vital to a great project. The other challenge is finding a good time to interview, becasue Taylor is in athletics and has a course load that is very time consuming. This documentary has to full a specific time requirement. I am going to make sure that I have the enough information to fill the alloted time. Being an athelte myself, it is also difficult for me to shoot, so I am making myself more aware of time. Also my biggest set back is a title. I have ideas but not sure what I would want to name it.

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