Week 15

Directors Cut

Directors Cut

This moment I have been waiting for is here. The directors but is finally finished. This is when I felt the most accomplished. I was able to make every edit I saw fit and upload the video. I uploaded it to YouTube and watched it again. It was a surreal moment. I had to do a lot of post edits in Adobe Premier and Audio Audition. I adjusted volume, sounds, footage, lighting, etc. Everything that I felt like I needed to do, to make this field enjoyable. The directors cut was 22 min and 36 seconds. This documentary needed to be shared to many to keep them motivated. I felt I accomplished that when I posted this.

After adding the b roll, adding the two interviews, and watching it all the way through, I realized I had created something I was proud of. I can say that Adobe Premier was a saving grace in post edits. I realized somethings needed correction and I was able to correct it in post editing. I had ran through many road blocks. I had to reshoot, do research, and even start all over. But despite all of this, I produced work I was proud of. Showing the directors cut and being able to receive feedback was the most important to me.

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