Week 8

Interview 1

During this point of the interview I wanted to do more angles. I was able to do a side view so the viewer didn’t just see one side of the shoot. During this interview I wanted to ensure that I covered everything. I wanted the viewers to leave with little to no questions about Taylor’s journey. During this interview she shared what all she endured during this time. Making everyone very aware that despite the road blocks in her life, she was an overcomer.

I decided to shoot the interview in the New Media Center where they have an actual interview set up. After checking out equipment I used two different camera and two mics. The interview lasted about 30 minutes. She was very open and allowed us to get some personal information.

This week made it one step closer to success. Getting this footage made it possible for me to start working on a timeline. This timeline is important because it gets me one step closer to putting this work out to the public.

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