Pre-Production Time

Week Three

Setting up Production Times


After succesfully doing my research for this week, I am now ready to start planning my shoot. I was able to be brainstorm and look at how some films have interst stories. 42, Halfetime, and Bilie Ellish were films that I got to look to for inspiration. I tried to understand what makes a documentary worth watching. How to keep my audience intrigued. If my audience isn’t interested it makes my film not worth watching. I did a deep dive on the internet trying to understand what is good things to do and bad things for films. I went on different pages that can help me walk through the steps to tackle this project and be sucessful.


Taylor as a kid.

Taylor and her only sibling.

Including these photos would help show how her family life was. Despite the up and downs she was able to still spend family time. It is important to talk about family and home life in order to understand her support system by her side.


My professor made sure I was aware to start planning my film so I can shoot on week five. He wanted to make sure I was on top of things and not just going with the motions. My classmates liked my idea but told me to be sure to cover her story in a correct way. Making sure my research on her was good, so I could form a connection with her. During next weeks planning, I will be sure to start understanding Taylor’s lifestyle and doing my own research on her health diagonis so I know what to ask her come our interview.


My project has been coming along smoothly. This project required a vast majority of research. I was able to conduct research and be prepared to know what and who I am interviewing. This alone was a big step. Doing a project of this nature requires alot of time and energy. I was able to set up an interview time and obtain different footage that would be covered in my documenatry. I also have decided it’s time to come up with a title. Although I am still unsure, I have narrowed it down tremendously.

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