Final Comprehensive QEP Reflection

As a whole, the post-production process is a crucial part of creating a successful video project. During this process, I was able to take the raw footage and shape it into a final product that accomplished what I set out to make. Another important aspect of the post-production process was sound design, which included selecting appropriate music and sound effects, as well as editing and mixing the audio to create a balanced and engaging soundtrack. Throughout the project, I was constantly refining and revising the video to ensure that it met the project’s goals and objectives. This involved making difficult decisions about what footage to include and how to structure the video to effectively convey its message. Overall, the documentary I made required a lot of creativity, problem-solving, and attention to detail. By carefully considering all aspects of the video, from organization to sound design to editing, I was able to produce a high-quality final product that effectively communicated its message to the intended audience.

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