And the Post-Production Begins – Week 14

After finishing up filming all of the B-Roll, I decided to start working on the overall post-production. When it comes to video essays, I believe that the most tedious part relies in the post production.

The method I decided to take was to add the B-roll on top of the already assembled clips then decided which graphics I should add onto the video. I strategically placed all of the B-roll clips on top of the footage where I was not looking at the camera so that the video could look as professional as possible.

Once I added all the B-roll in their places, I looked to see where all of the holes in the timeline were. I considered a “hole” in the timeline as any part where there is too long of a shot and needed to be interrupted by a change in scene. This is where I decided to place the graphics at.

Next, I decided to create the opening title for the video. I used Adobe After Effects in order to create an animation for the opening. I used a textbook that I brought for Media Production 3 to help refresh my memory on how to navigate around adobe After Effects. At first I wanted to go with a brush title to overlay onto of the footage but then I realized I wasn’t a fan of how it looked so I had to go back to the drawing board.


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