I have done nothing special in recording audio for this project. After all, it’s mostly B-Roll and interviews. So, outside of the interviews, just camera audio sufficed for the B-Roll. The crowd noise won’t be used for much longer than 5-10 seconds at a time. Most of it will be used over interview sound bites, so audio was far from a priority there.
As for the interviews, I will simply be using a lavaliere mic to get the interview in as clear of an audio as I can. Obviously, the mic has to be as close to the interviewee’s mouth as possible, without getting any bad feedback or screwing up the audio as a whole. With the Helfer interview, I still had the camera audio recording, and that may have an effect on the quality of the sound, but hopefully editing it for a little bit in Audition will help clear it up and make it sound better. At least I learned that lesson now, so I won’t make the same mistake with the player interviews, after the season.