Week 15: Final Project

That’s a wrap! I finally finished my capstone and it feels great. I am proud of my Capstone and excited that I have completed this project as an individual project with lots of help from my extremely talented friends and the Harley Langdale Jr. Foundation. I was able to use the last few days of this semester to edit and complete my documentary! I am excited to showcase the Foundation’s work throughout South Georgia and showcase different organizations that they have impacted throughout the Valdosta community.

I want to thank all of those that helped me throughout this journey. Thank you to:

Donnie Warren

Jesse Boland & Valdosta High School

Becky Deas & Options Now

Hilary Gibbs & South Georgia Medical Center

Kristin Hanna & Boys and Girls Club

Ryan Tuten & Youth IMPACT Center

Eva Freeman

Robert (Bo) Greene

Emily Moses

Emily Sanchez

Lewis Smith

I appreciate every one of you and the work you did to make this documentary a reality.

I also want to say that I am grateful to Harley Langdale Jr. for his dedication to the South Georgia region and Valdosta community and for making the Foundation possible. I have been impacted by this Foundation and I know many others who have been as well. I look forward to seeing how this Foundation continues to grow and impact organizations and others in the future.

Also, thank YOU for coming along on this journey with me and reading about my experience through making this project, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!

Final Harley Langdale Jr. Foundation Documentary

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