The motion graphic has gone through a couple of changes during the production. There was one where there was pink background and has the title’s reflection. Now, it has changed to the most beloved and what we are proud of for the project. The font is Gotham Thin and Origin Smooth.

Combine it together. You will get this:
Video Editor: Chontele Abney
We not only did it for the motion graphics but also on The Poster! We had already made a poster until it was pointed out that it was not of theme or didn’t have the same font in the trailer and short film. We end up changing it to be of theme of the film and the font. The poster is here to entice you to watch two people fall in love. We have done two posters for the course of the semester; one in portrait and the other in landscape. The reason for the two versions is to have it on different platforms like the landscape poster on a tv. So let’s see the before and after:


Landscape Before


We are very please with the outcome of the poster. You know of the motion graphic and the poster, but do you know where the location of the set was taken?

The Honors House!

Right here is where it all started for the two character becoming single to being a couple! This location was at the Valdosta State University. It is right behind Georgia Hall. The Honor House has a small little cafe that Honors student and others can relax and enjoy.

Here’s what it looks like behind the scene. Crazy, huh? As you can see we used two lights and cameras. We also have a tascam to record the audio through a boom mic for scene 2. You can also see how we are working hard. Do you know who also work hard?

The Actors! Here is Anna Ramsey and Joshua Troupe working together to keep the dream project alive. There’s also another location we have used for the project in the Honors House.

The Library!
This is where we do the therapist scene with Hananel Mavity Jackson. Even though she was there for one scene, she showed up and show out on the scene. We are happy to have her play as the therapist for this one scene. These two actors did wonderful in the scene and you should check it out now if you have not.
We have one more final scene where everything is resolute. The last scene is in:

Studio C in the Mass Media Building!
This is where they resolve and close a chapter in their life to begin a new. As you can see, this suppose to be a class for audio but we rearrange it to fit what it is supposed to be in the final product. Fun Fact: every time we try to film in the studio there was some technical difficulties with the lights. For a nice little treat, here is some bloopers on the film!
Song Credit:
Clown by Sakura Girl |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0