My name is Diseye Agedah. I am 22. I am a cancer, born in June. I like all things pink and girly. I love to listen to music, sing and I have always been an avid reader. I mainly gravitate towards things that have romance, whether it is a tv show or a book, though I do read things that don’t have romance sometimes. When I was little, I tried to write a story or two but it never really went anywhere and I forgot about writing in general, it just wasn’t something on my radar anymore but I still kept reading. It was around I think my first screenwriting class that I realized, “oh this is something I like to do” so I started doing it more and more.
Actually, that’s a lie, the first time I got and felt a real excitement about writing was when I was messaging with a friend and somehow, on a whim, we collaboratively created an entire story centered around a celebrity we both love. It turned out actually really good and it was genuinely really fun to do so after that, that’s when I started really enjoying writing and I started writing more for fun and then I took screenwriting classes which just increased my enjoyment and love for writing and now I’m here.

Hello, my name is Chontele Abney and I am a senior at Valdosta State University. I am a Mass Media student whose goal is to make narrative story that people can enjoy and have some elements of messaging in the story. It all started when I would watch Tv shows and movies. Even though I watched cartoon throughout my childhood, I still love the stories and world building they have created. I will reach that goal by making a short film or joining a company that share my love stories.
The reason why I choose Mass Media is because of the story and plot aspect when it comes to tv shows and films. I was amazed by how they create characters and the worldbuilding like Avatar the Last Airbender. I also love to search behind the scenes when it comes to movies that I liked. Watching how they create to actors explaining what they think about the characters they are playing or voicing. The way they make the character consistent and how they developed the characters can be really beautiful. There’s also Made in Abyss which has a great soundtrack and the art style is very stunning. It looks like the creator really care about his work. The characters have their own strength and weakness which I love because it adds the tensity. There’s also movies like Knives Out and Memoir of a Murderer that likes how they tell a story. I like watching thriller, horror, action/adventure, and fantasy shows and movies.
On this project, I am not only the director but also the director of cinematography and the video editor for the project.