(Photographer & Photo Editor: Chontele Abney)
This story was written for a competition that I submitted to over the past winter break. I had a really hard time coming up with a story and it took me a while. I have written so many short stories and scripts and I have also read so many books and stories that were written by people who are simply writing as a hobby, not as a job, they’re not getting any money for writing those stories and they still write the most wonderful and intricate stories. These are stories that I read once and have stuck with me so much so I have to read the multiple times. While I was thinking about what story I should write, I thought of those stories that I have read, that I have loved and that have resonated and stuck with me. With that thought in mind, I realized I wanted to write something like that too. Something that would stick with people after they read it, something that people would want to come back and read again is what I wanted to write. It doesn’t have to be something deep or sad, I want people to come back and read it because they thought the couple was really cute, the dialogue was funny and charming, because they resonated with the characters, or maybe because it was deep to them, for whatever reason, I just wanted to create something that would stay with people.
So, how did I come up with this story in the first place? Well, it is loosely based off my life, very very loosely, there’s really only one thing in the story that I took from my real life. That was like the base of the story though, so once I got that, everything else came easily. I tend to write mostly romance so I knew that well, there’s gotta be someone that she meets and starts falling into love with but I really did want to make it different so there had to be more layers than they meet and fall in love so I tried to make it go beneath the surface, give them, the characters some real depth and yeah, of course, the guy cannot just be someone there for her to fall in love with so I had to give him depth, charisma and character, what makes him interesting isn’t just that he’s a pretty face so yeah, I think I did a good job, It’s a story that I am proud of. There are things I definitely want to fix and add but overall, I am happy with the story.