Week 9

production techniques reflection – issues and errors

Well we defintely had many issues and a few errors throughout this process . The very first scene of the whole thing is the therapy scene. It was one of the last scenes we shot. Of course, it is not really a fault of anyone, things happen, people get sick but we had to postpone that scene many times. Still, when it came to shoot that scene, our actors did a fantastic job, it was almost worth the wait.

Other issues we had, we were filming scene two and someone forgot to turn on the mic on one of the cameras so we were without audio for one camera in scene two, which was obviously very hard to work through in post when editing. Syncing up audio without an audio is as taxing as it sounds.

I will say I am used to syncing up audio manually, usually with sound but Sony Vegas doesn’t have that option for you to sync up a clip and audio automatically, or at least I don’t think it does so it’s something that I’ve been doing for a while!

Other issues we had was scheduling. Maybe lack of communication on my end but one day, only one of my actors showed up. So it was a whole filiming day that went to waste.

That same day, apparently, (I wasn’t there at the moment because I had to film something else) but the studio we were filming in smelled like gas. Another day, that studio was having problems with the light, it kept on flickering so we couldn’t film that day either. Did make for very good selfie lighting though.

Lastly, my actor suddenly had to cut his hair, and it was a huge cut. Luckily, we hadn’t really shot much of anything in the last scene yet so it was easy to just restart that last scene and slightly incorporate it into the story.

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