Week 16

(final comprehensive QEP reflection)

Final Reflection. Honestly, as a whole, I wish this was a more rewarding or fulfilling experience but it wasn’t. I don’t feel like the product that has come out of this is something that I’m proud of. I feel like the vision and idea I had while writing the script flew out the window sometime during our filming. I feel like at times, my work was not taken as serious as it should have been. I feel like essence of my script, isn’t there on screen and it doesn’t show on screen as it did in the script. I may be being dramatic as it is my work and we, as humans tend to critique ourselves harder than other people critique us but that is just how I feel. I think there are parts where I could have made certain scenes better by saying to do another take but as someone who is new to being in a role like this, you know directing and leading as I was, I think it was hard to do that at first like in the earlier scenes. In the last few scenes, I started to be more vocal about the things I didn’t like and sayign to redo takes and it wasn’t even a hard thing to do so I regret not doing that since the beginning, maybe that would have made things a little better. I don’t want it to seem like I only have negative feelings about this film because I don’t. I’m grateful to everyone who helped without judgement, I’m extremely grateful to my cast, Anna and Kowi and Ms. Hananel who was absolutely wonderful when she showed up on set, knew all her lines and even added more to it, without me asking. Truly, Ms. Hananel was such a wonderful addition to this film and her and Anna’s scene is defintely my favorite out of the whole thing.

Alas, it is over and done with. I have filmed it. We have finished. That, I am grateful for.

my cast
we wrapped on this day

still photographing with sick lil me…

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