Week 2

planning process reflection (script breakdown, scheduling, casting and crewing)

For my cast, I needed two people for the main characters, a boy and a girl. I was a bit picky about how the guy looked but, giving my circumstance and the situtation I was put into, I’ve let go of that pickiness and I will just choose who is the best for the role. The girl, I was not really that picky, anyone will do. I also need an adult to play the lead counselor, two adults to play both the moms of the lead characters, and a barista.

So, given the cicumstance where I had very few people get back to me about actually being part of my film, the cast has been reduced to just three people, the two main leads and the lead counselor, who had to be turned into a therapist due to not having enough people to film a group counseling session. The moms were taken out and there is no barista anymore.

Crew –

With just two people working on this project, I thought we needed a big crew and I did my best to go find some, I spoke to classes and asked around and got very few responses so this process was hard and annoying and at the end of the day, we essentially did everything ourselves, with help from a handful of people who took charge of the audio on certain days.

Like one day we had this one person help, and another day, we had a different person help and so on and so on. We never really had a set crew, just people who were willing to help, which I throughly appreciate.

Our Schedule:

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