Week 11


This week is our last week of production. We are filming 4 scenes this week so we are hoping to be done with shooting all of our scenes by the end of the week. On Tuesday, we are filming two scenes, one in the afternoon and one in the morning. On Thursday afternoon we will be filming our last scene which may be the most difficult. On Tuesday we will be working with time limits on both scenes. One scene will be filmed early in the morning before classes start and then in the afternoon we will be filming inside of an establishment during their closing hours so we will have to film those scenes quickly. 

For the shoot on Thursday, we will have to order lights to make the scene in the backyard more visible. We will also have to get props to film the party scene. We will also have to rehearse the pool scene before we film it because we want to film it in one shot. We have a time limit because we are filming it on a weekday and we will be using someone else’s house. So far we have been able to work around certain things that have fallen through. One of the most stressful parts of this scene, before we have even filmed it, has been finding extras for the scene. Hopefully people show up and we are able to give an illusion of the party being full.

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